Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We begin again...

Hello All!  Well it's been over a year since I last posted and that's just pretty pathetic.  I was thinking about this blog (if you can even call it that) earlier this morning and I thought, wow what a failed resolution!  Then I wondered why I was so bad at posting and I've come to a conclusion:  I have a very unexciting life!

Don't get me wrong, I love my life.  But I can go a week without talking to my mom and she'll say, "What's new?" and my answer is typically...nothing.  There is nothing new going on.  I'm a grad student, I basically work on my research 7 days a week.  Now some people will look at that and say, wow she's dedicated.  To that I say HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  No, I'm not.  I would be totally happy working 8 hours a day for 5 days a week and taking the weekend off.  However I have this problem some people call procrastination.  My research is done either with pencil and paper or on a computer.  Which means the majority of my time is spent in front of a computer...where the internet is...which means I procrastinate ALOT.  Even when I make progress in my research it can be summed up in a couple of sentences.  "I finished my simulations, they look good.  I finally figured out that theory I was working on."  So what could I possibly fill up a blog with?  This is the question I came to when I was getting ready this morning.  Then suddenly it hit me!

I could write about everything I do when I procrastinate!  Now this may sound boring but in order to keep myself busy with my procrastinations I have to create projects.  It takes no time at all to check facebook which means I would be back to work quickly but to plan a dinner menu for a couple weeks at a time, well that takes some commitment!

So I am renewing my commitment to this blog (hey, look at that, another way to procrastinate).  There may not be alot of structure to it as basically it's just going to be whatever project I'm filling my time with at the moment.  I've been trying alot of new recipes, I've recently become obsessed with DIY and HGTV so now I'm planning my dream home, and I'm forever trying to eat healthy which doesn't always work out but I'd like to share with you any ideas that have helped me.  I'm also on ( so join up (you can just login using your facebook or gmail info) and follow me!  Whenever I share recipes there I'm sure I will also post something about them in the blog as well.

Lastly my first tip for those trying to eat a little healthier.  I use Fage 0% Greek Yogurt in place of sour cream, always.  This means in recipes, for tacos or quesadillas, always.  About a year ago a friend of mine told me about this yogurt so I thought I would try it.  After one spoonful, I was like YUCK! that tastes like sour cream!  To which she said, I know isn't it delicious?  Well in my opinion yogurt should be sweet and should NOT taste like sour cream.  But it gave me the idea to start using it instead of sour cream.  The consistency is slightly different from sour cream but I truly believe that you cannot taste a difference.  We use it for tacos all the time, my husband loves it.  I've put it in multiple recipes that call for sour cream and nobody every notices a difference.  Some nutrition facts are listed below.  I got them from the Daisy brand sour cream website and the Fage website.  I've done the math to make the number of ounces the same so that we can directly compare them.

Daisy Light Sour Cream - 6 oz
Calories:  240
Fat:  15 g
Carb:  12 g
Protein: 12 g

Fage Total 0% - 6 oz
Calories:  100
Fat:  0 g
Carb:  7 g
Protein:  18 g

I hope you find this helpful and let me know what you think if you try this substitution.  Also feel free to leave comments regarding any healthier substitutions that you use as well!  Talk to you soon....

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